lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

What is happening in the city

Student movement

Across the country the main news these past 7 months has been the student movement this, Santiago is a visible face of this (the rest of the country also mobilized) students have been in work stoppages and take their places around 7 months with the conviction to make a differencein the Chilean education. 

 Demanding a new framework for education in Chile, including more direct state participation in secondary education and an end to the existence of profit in higher education. Beyond the specific demands regarding education, there is a feeling that the protests reflect a "deep discontent" among some parts of society with Chile's high level of inequality.
Protests have included massive non-violent marches, but also a considerable amount of violence on the part of a side of protestors as well as riot police.

The first clear government response to the protests was a proposal for a new education fund and a cabinet shuffle. Other government proposals were also rejected. Student mobilizations continue to date, with periodic marches, occupations of high schools and universities. 
This has been a landmark in our country, as in 2006 the movement has left a mark on all thecitizens has been a way of uniting the country. See whole families making noise on the streets of Santiago to show their support is priceless.

6 comentarios:

  1. This is a really good posted about the Student movement, because it show what's actually happens in our country and in our lives, too. I hope we can get a solution sooner.

    Ninoska Herrera 3ºA.

  2. This is very important because the foreigners have to know what is happening in Chile, very good information (:
    Daniela Díaz, 3ero B

  3. Very good information for the foreigners that did'n know all about this awesome movemennt of the students os all the country.
    Also, the music in this blog is great!
    Javiera Aldea 3ºB

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I think it's a good idea put this new on the blog. So, the people know what is happening now in this city and in the country, and don't ask to themselves what is happening, why there are a lot of people in the streets.
    I like your blog and I love the music you used :D
    Constanza Tobar Tapia, 3°A
